Sonica is an electronic music collective organizing mostly open air events in Zaragoza since 2021. Digital flyers have been the most important tool in reaching their public, and for each month they have had different designers designing them, myself included.
Sonica wanted to keep their old logo and a little pictogram of a face. My task was to create a unified design around them, that would repeat in their flyers and other materials like safer space manifestos, artist infos and timetables. The main poster is now an animated reel (1080x1920) with an emphasis on the artwork, currently illustrated by me.
Two first animated posters for Sonica (january and february), as animated and static versions. The poster is designed to adapt to various sizes such as reel (1080x1920px), IG post (1080x1350px) and print (A3).

Below: explanation of typographic use in spanish.

Above: other material such as profile picture templates (middle) and timetables (right).
Below: templates for artist videos

Below: Manifiesto, used to communicate the safer space rules to the public.

Below: januarys animation as widescreen version
Below: februarys animation as widescreen version