Storytels animated book covers, called book trailers, are used to introduce new books to the listener in the app. The animations are created using the original book cover as the basis. A short clip from the audiobook guides the narrative of the animation.
My task has been to create motion graphics that tells a story from the first second while respecting the author and the original cover.
Motion graphics for Mikko Silvennoinen´s book 'Nevada'. Animated cover created from the book cover design by another designer.
Motion graphics for Kaisa Paasto´s book "Kuka on Saara Paloma?". Animated cover created from the book cover design by another designer.
Motion graphics for Laura Friman and Lauri Tamminen´s audiobook "Häämatka", where the two talk about their relationship. Animated cover created from the book cover design by another designer.
Motion graphics for Virpi Vainio´s book "Petsamon enkeli". Animated cover created from the book cover design by another designer.
Motion graphics for Johanna Tuomola´s book "Oikeuden Varjo", a murder mystery. Animated cover created from the book cover design by another designer.
Motion graphics for Tatiana Elf´s book "Äitinä omalle äidille", a book about a mother having dementia. Animated cover created from the book cover design by another designer.